Saturday, October 14, 2006

Week 6 Creative Computing

This is the Bidule patch I created. I looked at some websites to get help as to how to make a synth. I still haven't got to the stage where I can create one without any help.

mp3_of_this_patch 296KB

Week 6 Audio Arts

This is the final bounce mp3 file of my Video exercise. I have also attached the movie links incase you would like to see the movie and sound together.

Movie_Sound_Track 793KB

I utlised my paper sounds plus some created in Reason. I found that creating sounds in Reason was harder than manipulating pre-recorded sounds.

The lower quality movies don't sound as good, obviously, and not all the sounds can be heard like in the higher quality movies.

Super_High_Quality 16.7MB

High_Quality 8.7MB

Medium_Quality 1.1MB

Low_Quality 464KB

I also have a couple of screen shots of the process.

