Friday, August 24, 2007

Week 5 Forum - Circuit Bending II

In the previous weeks I have done okay and managed to get some sort of result. This week was the first time where I basically wasted hours on end. So, after a very unproductive weekend all I have to show for it are some broken toys and circuits that never worked. At least the pictures look good. I was considering making my own noise and square waves and posting it as the toys' sound. Do you think anyone could tell the diff?

I broke the fart machine not happy!

My wasted mess. . .

Sound File
Circuit Bending Audio [439KB]

[1] Christian Haines. "Music Technology Forum: Semester 2 - Week 5 - Circuit Bending II". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 23rd August 2007.

CC2 Week 5

**Doesn't work**

Patch + Max Objects