Friday, August 24, 2007

Week 5 Forum - Circuit Bending II

In the previous weeks I have done okay and managed to get some sort of result. This week was the first time where I basically wasted hours on end. So, after a very unproductive weekend all I have to show for it are some broken toys and circuits that never worked. At least the pictures look good. I was considering making my own noise and square waves and posting it as the toys' sound. Do you think anyone could tell the diff?

I broke the fart machine not happy!

My wasted mess. . .

Sound File
Circuit Bending Audio [439KB]

[1] Christian Haines. "Music Technology Forum: Semester 2 - Week 5 - Circuit Bending II". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 23rd August 2007.


Luke.Digance - Eclectic I said...

Forget the square wave. Sine Tones! Sine tones is where its at. The only thing better than sine tones is 4:33 by Cage - Although he should have composed it for sine tones. (not to diss the master of course)

John said...

Sound or no sound, it's all overrated. That's why Cage had to resort to mushrooms. Cooking is where it's at.

PS. You'll find a lot of composers resort to cooking when they're out of inspiration.

DJ Reverie said...

Maybe I should try cooking mushrooms to Cage's 4:33. My "piece" this week has much inspiration for that kind of art.