Thursday, June 26, 2008

CC3 Major Project - Sound Project

For my major assignment I have created a piece of varying aesthetic qualities. I have utilised sounds from different synthdefs that I created. These were


The piece was sequenced using a series of Pseq streams. I also used Pshuf and Pbind. I varied the carrier and modulating frequencies and amplitudes through out. I also used different timing and varied the number of iterations. Brown noise was also incorporated in a similar fashion. The bell-like sounds, from the Klang uGen, where sequenced at varying pitches and delayed at varying times. All of these controls utilised my initial equation which gave a a value. This was an array of numbers that was substituted into the other uGen parameters.

I have timed the piece using the SystemClock.The final sample manipulation utilised playback speed and some modulation. Aside from SuperCollider being difficult to code, the only problem at the end was clipping in the audio recording. I didn't have time to fix this.


My equation was based on this fractal. This is called the Mandelbrot Set.

I have attached my code, documentation and an audio recording of my piece.

Code [1.4MB]
Documentation [468KB]
Audio 4'24 (low quality) [1.2MB]
Audio 4'24 (high quality) [10.1MB]

[1] Mandelbrot set, wikipedia. ''. (Accessed 26/6/8)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

AA3 - Major Assignment - Recording Project

For my major assignment I've recorded two bands. The first is a Jazz ensemble at this university. I organized this band through a friend who's been in the Jazz scene for a while. His name is Reid Jones and he's a club DJ, promoter, sound engineer and music producer.

I was happy with the quality of the musicians, but I didn't have time to do the proper recording that I wanted. At the time I didn't mind so much because I was desperate for an ensemble to record seeing as my original string quartet bailed on me. When I recorded this Jazz ensemble, I only had an hour to set up and record. This was because the trumpet player had to leave and they wanted to all play together. Considering the time restriction, I think I did pretty well. We only did one take.

my Jazz band microphone set up. . .

My second band was a rock band. I met the bass player when I was studying at SAE. I think this band is really talented. I had a fun time recording them, and I look forward to seeing how they go in their career.

Below is the documentation and the songs.

Donna Lee [7.7MB]
I'm Over You [6.6MB]
Bird [7.3MB]

Documentation [648KB]