Thursday, October 25, 2007

Week 12 Forum - Instrument Improvisation Part 2

Our final Forum finished with a bang! Much like my Max Patches. We tried an improvisation session again and it did sound relatively better than last week. I thought my piano playing was good towards the end. The only problem is that I didn't build a piano. Maybe next year. . .

I did manage to get some new tones from my instrument. These varying sounds came from moving the alligator clips in my hand. I have a movie of this below. I also found out that if I switch the amplifier to ON instead of OD, the ON/OFF switch works on my instrument. I outlined this problem in the Week 10 post as the third problem. I have no idea why this would happen but it does.

To see an extensive write up on my finished instrument including pictures, movies and notes please visit my Week 10 Forum Post.

Improvisation Snip [1.7MB] 1'14
Entire Improvisation Session [28.6MB] 1:08'05

Yes, I did bounce the entire recording and encode it to mp3. The quality isn't actually that bad.



The improvisation bonanza!


Me demonstrating some new sounds I discovered.


Improvisation at its best!

[1] Steven Whittington. "Music Technology Forum: Semester 2 - Week 12 - Instrument Improvisation". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 25th October 2007.