CC2 Major Assignment - Electronic Music Composition
For my composition I decided to create a Random Note Generator / Fibonacci Series Generator / Record & Playback Sequencer. My Analysis describes the different functions in detail. In a nutshell I have various parameters that can either be varied randomly, using the Fibonacci Sequence or manually by the user. The sliders next to the LEDs are varying the harshness of the control data. Yellow LEDs are random and Blue LEDs are Fibonacci generated number sequencers.
At the top the user must first select the device they want to control in Reason. I have bussed the Combinator, NN19, Subtractor & Dr Rex into IAC busses from Cubase. Cubase and Reason run in rewire and the sounds are generated for Max. I found out, after I handed up my assignment, that the Combinator doesn't work. Also my presets don't work but I already knew that.
I have some pictures of my patch, my documentation and my patch . . .
my patch in action with Cubase and Reason. . .
screen shot of my patch. . .
screen shot part II. . .
my Fibonacci patch. . .
my line patch. . .
score. . .
Program Note
Score [9.5MB]
Fibbon Ree [5.5MB]
Fibbon Ree [452KB]
Thursday, May 31, 2007
AA2 Major Assignment - Recording Project
This is my recording project for Audio Arts this semester. As you will hear, if you listen, there are lots of problems with the guitar part in Late Again. This was due to a problem with the timing and I still don't know why it happened.
In the song What Goes Around Comes Around, there are problems with the vocals. There were artifacts which I didn't pick up in the recording process. There is also a problem with the vocals standing out too much. They are too loud and I don't have enough reverb one them. The only problem is that putting more reverb would have made the artifacts more obvious in the mix. For details on the effects I used and the recording and producing process check my documentation. It explains my processes in a lot of detail.
inside the studio. . .
patchbay and interface. . .
my craazy patchbay. . .
my vocalist Katerina. . .
I was quite happy with my Mastering results. . .
the band jamming. . .
inside the studio. . .
There is meant to be sound on both movies but it's not working. . . just like everything else
Pre Production
Late Again [6.7MB]
What Goes Around Comes Around [6.9MB]
Week 12 Forum - Improvisation
I thought that a two hour discussion on what improvisation is was a bit too longwinded for me. I know we have to introduce this concept to the first years, but I still feel I've had enough improvisation from last year.
Last year it went for a whole semester. I found that after the first few weeks last year there wasn't anything new I could really do. All I can think of now is to play a different instrument each week. I hope DJ Tr!p comes back because he was awesome!
I think that Steven Whittington and David Harris spent way too much time defining what things are when they could be just doing it. Who cares what the exact, precise, intellectual definition of improvisation is. Go to the piano and just improvise!
Yes there is a difference between composition and improvisation but does knowing the difference make you any better at either? Some of the most talented musicians of all time can’t even read music and just play music because they can. I think intellectualizing the topic just makes it unnecessarily boring.[1]
[1] Stephen Whittington, David Harris. 'Music Technology Forum Presentation - Improvisation'. Lecture presented in the EMU Space, Electronic Music Unit, University Of Adelaide, 31st May 2007
CC2 Week 12 - PreProduction
In a nutshell, I am hoping to create a Random Note Generator / Basic Sequencer. As everyone knows of course, time is scarce and it may be difficult to create everything I have hoped for in my PreProduction.
This is what my patch looks like so far. It doesn't fit on the screen but you get the idea. . .
[1] Christian Haines. "Creative Computing: Semester 1, Week 12. Integrated Example." Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 31/05/2007.
AA2 Week 12 - Mastering Part 2
The challenge this week was to master some music and try and make it as loud as Eden Sounds mastering. My mastering isn't as loud but I think it is pretty close. Tonally it doesn't sound as good but I was still happy with the loudness.
I used a gain plugin and then a limiter at the end. I had dithering added during the bounce. I tried using an Adaptive Limiter but found that I couldn't stop the channel from clipping.
Here is an mp3 of my mastering
No Mastering [944kB]
Eden Sounds Mastering [944kB]
My Mastered Mix [944kB]
[1] David Grice "Audio Arts: Semester 1, Week 12; Mastering" Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, 29th May 2007.