Thursday, May 31, 2007

AA2 Major Assignment - Recording Project

This is my recording project for Audio Arts this semester. As you will hear, if you listen, there are lots of problems with the guitar part in Late Again. This was due to a problem with the timing and I still don't know why it happened.

In the song What Goes Around Comes Around, there are problems with the vocals. There were artifacts which I didn't pick up in the recording process. There is also a problem with the vocals standing out too much. They are too loud and I don't have enough reverb one them. The only problem is that putting more reverb would have made the artifacts more obvious in the mix. For details on the effects I used and the recording and producing process check my documentation. It explains my processes in a lot of detail.

inside the studio. . .

patchbay and interface. . .

my craazy patchbay. . .

my vocalist Katerina. . .

I was quite happy with my Mastering results. . .

the band jamming. . .

inside the studio. . .

There is meant to be sound on both movies but it's not working. . . just like everything else

Pre Production

Late Again [6.7MB]
What Goes Around Comes Around [6.9MB]

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