Workshop -Improvisation-
Our final session at uni this year was the workshop. This session was a great way to finish off the year. I performed in the second group and I was on the Juno 6 synth. At the beginning of our performance I couldn't hear myself but luckily Ben increase my level on the mixer and away I was creating my awesome arpeggios and filter sweeps.
I had fun but I thought each group may have played too long. Maybe I was just really tired or maybe I was just waiting to finally go home and sleep!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Creative Computing Major Assignment
For my major assignment this semester I had to compose an electronic piece and perform the piece in real time. I created my sounds in Plogue Bidule and used Live also to trigger off my samples. Bidule ran as the master in this case.
In Bidule I created a number of patches. Below is my piano pad sounds I made.
This is my PolySynth patch.
This is my Multi-Synth patch.
This is my Bidule Session
I created my bass patch using spectral processing. This created a large amount of stress on the CPU usage. The sound was very loud which I was able to fix with a compressor. You can see the compressor in my Bidule session.
My guitar sound was created by controlling a VSTi. The guitar audio was converted to MIDI using a spectral Bidule. After the plugin, the signal runs through two delays and two ambient plugins.
My Live session had four scenes (the maximum allowable in Lite Edition).
I have a recording of my live set.
Crazy Piani High Quality [8.5MB]
Crazy Piani Medium Quality [5.7MB]
Crazy Piani Low Quality [2.5MB]
I also have my documentation attached if you want to read.
My Documentation + Samples
Audio Arts Minor Environment Assignment
This semester, I chose to do my Audio Arts as my minor. The assignment was to record a sound scape using a portable recorder. I used the Maranz Firewire recorder instead of the DAT.
We then had to recreate the sound scape by identifying all the sounds, mapping them in a sound event map, recreating them, and then doing a 5.1 surround mix in Cubase. All the sounds had to be created using synthesis or sampling techniques. If we used a sample it had to be a basic sound. In my case I used a recording of paper being blown into.
All my synthesised sounds were created in Plogue Bidule. I recorded my Bidule patches and then imported the audio files into Cubase. I have some pictures of my Bidule patches and my Cubase Session. I also have a stereo mix of my sound scape and recreation.
AA_Minor High Quality (4.5MB)
AA_Minor Low Quality (1.3MB)
Original Soundscape (2.7MB)
This is a screenshot of my final result.
These are the patches for my bird sound.
Week 13 Forum[1]
Today we had guest speaker Johannes Sistermanns. He is an artist from Germany who does Sound Plastic.
During the presentation Johannes claimed that he practiced sound plastic and not sound installations. I don’t understand the difference. I’m not sure if it’s because his English wasn’t the best or if it’s because I just don’t understand what he does. There’s one thing I know for sure, and that is he seems to love cling wrap. [2]
Unfortunately he didn’t have any audio to play to us, which I though was a bit strange. It’s pretty difficult to imagine what tons and tons of cling wrap will sound like. I imagine like a gigantic sandwich. As you can see it’s the end of the year and I just want to get this blog finished. [3]
Here are some samples that to make the Johannes experience come alive.
Sample 1 (44KB)
Sample 2 (128KB)
[1] Johannes Sistermanns. "Johannes Sistermanns", (Accessed November 11th 2006)
[2] Johannes Sistermanns. "Johannes Sistermanns", (Accessed November 11th 2006)
[3] Johannes Sistermanns. 'Music Technology Forum Presentation - EMU Space'. Lecture presented in the EMU Space, Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, 2nd November 2006.
Week 12 Forum
Today was another improvisation session. David Harris spent some time with us. He was trying to get a 7/8 rhythm going. Seeing as though I struggle with any timing other than 4/4, this was a challenge. After a while I got the hang of it. David played some chords on the piano, which help keep us all together.
I think this improvisation session was not up to scratch like the other weeks. Seeing as though it was just before exam time I think everyone was stressed.