Week 8 Forum - Gender in Music Technology Part 2
This week was another debate on gender in music technology. I felt that most of what needed to be said was said last week. Still, we had some different and similar views this week. The presenters this week were Bradley Leffler, Laura Gadd, Ben Cakebread and Peter Kelly.
I didn't see any really new concepts this week in our discussion. Again, I'll point out that I don't think women really have it that bad. I think women should just accept their role in society. They should stop complaining about injustices and just strive for their goals. If they are as skilled as men in an appropriate field then they will succeed. Using the excuse "men get higher preference" is justification for failing.
If you don’t get a job as a sound engineer it’s not because you’re a women. It’s because you’re a bad sound engineer.[1]
[1] Bradley Leffler, Laura Gadd, Ben Cakebread and Peter Kelly. 'Music Technology Forum Presentation - EMU Space'. Lecture presented in the EMU Space, Electronic Music Unit, University Of Adelaide, 19th April 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
CC2 Week 8 - MIDI Information and Virtual Instrumentation
This is my Max patch for this week. I found that I could get some really great sounds by varying multiple parameters at once. I would like to be able to switch between devices in Reason to enable Max to jump between different sounds (of course you can do program changes I suppose). I will look at this later.Just like the stock market
mp3 of my patch [3.2MB]
Max Patch
Max Text File
Reason File
[1] Christian Haines. "Creative Computing: Semester 1, Week 8; MIDI Information and Virtual Instrumentation" Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 3rd May 2007.
AA2 Week 8 - Mixing Part 1
This week we had to mix a ProTool session of a recording of a new talent. The singer in this recording has a remarkable voice and definantly has loads of talent. However, trying to create a decent mix with a bad recording to begin with was close to impossible. I would love to hear how this girl sounds when recorded professionally.
I attempted to hide the background guitar in the vocals using EQ but I found it took too much of the voice out. I have two recordings. On the first one I have taken out the electric guitar (I thought there were too man guitars) and I haven't used compression. In the second recording I have used compression and added the electric guitar. I used the guitar effect but used a bass preset so the guitar didn't take up too much of the vocals. Overall the mixes still don't sound all that great but I did what I could with what I had.
Mix 1 [835kB]
Mix 2 [785kB]
DNB Mix [268kB]
[1] David Grice "Audio Arts: Semester 1, Week 8; Mixing" Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, 1st May 2007.