Thursday, March 13, 2008

Week 2 Forum - Blogging

Never in my 4 years at this university have I sat through a more pointless, useless, pathetic class. Two hours of my life I won't be getting back. We talked about "blogging"....? Really come on!

We are here to studying Music Technology and blogging is simply a means of presenting our work and to reflect on our thoughts about what we have learnt throughout the week. Well here it is: Today just confirmed my view from previous years that forum is simply a waste of Thursday afternoons. We could've talked about blogging for a few minutes but to dedicate an entire class on this topic is a joke!

And what was with all the words Stephen was talking about? Bloggalisaion? I can make up words too you know!

Now that I'm third year I have accepted that there are many topics that I won't find useful or interesting. After today we have a new front runner.

[1] Steven Whittington. "Music Technology Forum: Semester 1 - Week 2 - Blogging". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 13th March 2008.

CC3 Week 2 - Introduction To SuperCollider II

This week's exercise was way too hard for only week two.

// ONE

z = { arg freq;
f = if (
freq == 440, // Set Concert A
{ "Frequency is Concert A" }, // If the input freq is equal to Concert A
{ g = if (
freq < 440, // If the input freq is less than 440
{ "below Concert A" }, // "below Concert A" is added to "Frequency is"
{ "above Concert A" } // or else "above Concert A" is added to it.
("Frequency is"+g) // Sentence beginning

a = z.value(440); // Input frequency


z = { arg freq;
f = if (
freq == 440, // Set Concert A
{ "Frequency is Concert A, 440Hz." }, // If the input freq is equal to Concert A
{ i = freq - 440; // i = Frequency deviation
g = if (
freq < 440, // If the input freq is less than 440
{ "below Concert A," }, // "below Concert A" is added to "Frequency is"
{ "above Concert A, +" } // or else "above Concert A" is added to it.
("Frequency is"+g+i+"Hz.") // Sentence beginning +below/above +deviation

a = z.value(440); // Input frequency


f = {
arg freq, list;
var i=1;
while (
{ i <= list }, // While i is less than list,
(freq*i).postln; // Multiply freq by i and
i = i + 1; // add 1 to i.

z = f.value(440, 10);


f = {
arg inputFreq, arraySize; // Defining inputs
var overTones =; // Creating array
for (
0, // Start of array
arraySize, // End of array
{ arg i; overTones = overTones.add((i+1) * inputFreq);} // Add i+1*input frequency to array
overTones; // Set array

h = f.value(221, 6); // Input frequency and array size.


f = {
arg inputFreq, arraySize; // Defining inputs
var overTones =; // Creating array
forBy (
1, // Start of array
arraySize*2, // End of array
2, // Step size
{ arg i; overTones = overTones.add((i+1) * inputFreq);} // Add i+1*input frequency to array
overTones; // Set array

h = f.value(221, 5); // Input frequency and array size.


f = { arg drum;
var x=drum;
"kick", {"MIDI Note 1"}, // When a drum name is entered
"snare", {"MIDI Note 2"},// an associated number is printed.
"hihat", {"MIDI Note 3"},
"crash", {"MIDI Note 4"},
"ride", {"MIDI Note 5"},
"tom", {"MIDI Note 6"}

h = f.value("tom"); // Drum name


f = { arg drum;
var x=drum%12; // MIDI note value pitch class is determined.
1, {"Kick"}, // Pitch class is converted into instrument.
2, {"Snare"},
3, {"Hihat"},
4, {"Crash"},
5, {"Ride"},
6, {"Tom"}

h = f.value(17); //MIDI note value

[1] Christian Haines. "Creative Computing: Semester 1 - Week 2 - Introduction To SuperCollider II". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 13th March 2008.

AA3 Week 2 - Multi Micing

Well I have to agree with Gricey....who ever invented the Decca Tree just wanted to have his name on a useless invention. So Mr Decca, if you're reading you're a fool!

The three methods I decided to try for this week's exercise were as following:
(1) The three microphone setup i.e. Left + Centre + Right
(2) The Decca Tree we went through in class
(3) The same Decca Tree but with the microphones pointing outwards.

I recorded the piano in the EMU space. (1) The first method was simply setup like a triangle. I had the two Left and Right microphones 2 metres apart. Then the Centre microphone was 1.5 metres away from the centre point of the Left and Right microphones.

(2) The second setup was the surround Decca Tree setup but with a major difference. Since I can't fit a piano inside the tiny space I had the microphones spread out by 4 times. i.e. The proportions were exactly the same to compensate for the large sound source.

(3) Finally the third setup was the same as the second except that I turned the microphones to face outwards.

Here's the problem: The recording sounds louder when the microphones are pointing outwards? I have no idea why this is. I am so sure that I have the recordings the right way round......?? *CONFUSED*

I think the recordings sound okay. I did a mix in Logic using the surround panner. There is some slight hissing which became a problem because I set the gain myself by running back and forth from the space to the studio. Not too easy.

my massive useless Decca Tree.....nice photography though

Left+Right+Centre [672KB]
Decca Tree Surround [672KB]
Decca Tree Surround (Microphones Pointing Outwards) [672KB]

[1] David Grice. "Audio Arts: Semester 1 - Week 2 - Multi Micing". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 11th March 2008.