Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week 3 Forum - Presentations I

The presentations today ranged from short movies to Max/MSP patches to good old Plogue Bidule patches. Jake and Sanad's pieces were presented at Earpoke. After writing this weeks post I did a word count half way through I already hit 300 words. So here's the condensed version:

Jake was first and he presented some music he wrote with some visuals. I couldn't work out what the three movements were. I thought the music and visuals were interesting together.

Sanad presented some music he produced using the software application called Reaper [www.reaper.fm]. I hadn't heard of this program before but it looks really good for a free program. He also used Reason [www.propellerheads.se] which I have used a lot. The music sounded interesting but I disagree with Sanad when he said it was commercial.

John presented his Max/MSP patch from last year. I had a quick listen last year and was impressed. Today it sounded heaps better on the setup in the EMU space. I though the piece sounded really nice. I love ambient music. The second piece sounded nice at first and ended with a funny

David showed us his MaxMSP patch from last year. I thought the patch looked awesome and very complicated. The music sounded okay but I would try some different samples. Maybe John's samples..?

Edward's Plogue Bidule patch was a good idea but the sonic result needs work.

[1] Steven Whittington, Jake Morris, Sanad Khaled, John Delany, David Dowling & Edward Kelly. "Music Technology Forum: Semester 1 - Week 3 - Presentations I". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 20th March 2008.