Week 8 Forum - Electronics - Workshop Exercise 1 / Instrument Proposal
I was bored today. . .
Music Technology Forum Instrument Proposal
Instrument Name: Layered Cake
How the instrument will be played: Button pushing / turning nobs
The sounds it will produce: Tone generator (square & sine wave) filtered with a photo-resistor of varying light. Variations will also be available using pots.
Computer interaction: I am not sure how I will incorporate computer interaction. I would prefer not to do this since it will make the whole process more complicated and raise issues.
Structure of the Instrument:
– Electronic Hacking/Circuit Bending: I will be using a toy to hack and incorporate into my instrument.
– Physical Computing: I may use the Arduino board to interact with Max/MSP.
– Casing and Aesthetics: A wooden case will be use to encapsulate all the components.
– Sketch:
– Issues you see arising: The issues I see arising is being able to create a decent sound to begin with. In the previous weeks I have only been able to come up with very inferior sounds, that to be honest sounded quite annoying.
[1] Christian Haines. "Music Technology Forum: Semester 2 - Week 8 - Electronics". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 13th September 2007.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
Week 7 Forum - Physical Computing II
Up until today, I never realised what this tool was meant to be used for. Then I realised: Power. This is going out to who ever has been stealing my pots, resistors and alligator clips. I don't know why you bother taking stuff. You can have my kit in a few weeks for all I care. I'm really not that attached to it. I just wanna get my stuff done. Don't make me resort to striking you down. You have been warned.
This week's task was an extension of last week's exercises. We were again using the Arduino chip to interact with Max/MSP on the computers in the lab. I was teamed up with Luke and Tyrell, since Will is on life-support at home.
Exercise 1A
Exercise 1B
Exercise 1C
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
[1] Christian Haines. "Music Technology Forum: Semester 2 - Week 7 - Physical Computing II". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 6th September 2007.

Will “Rebel Without a Cause” Revill
Audio Director

Jake “The Snake” Morris

Luke “Dynamic” Digance
Sound Designer

“Craazy” Matt Mazzone
Sound Engineer
[1] Christian Haines "Audio Arts: Semester 2, Week 7: Game Audio Aesthetics" Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, 4th September 2007.