Monday, March 31, 2008

Week 4 Forum - Presentations II

This week I presented some music I have been working on this year. The only finished track was the first song I played, which unfortunately was very bad quality. I didn't know until I pressed play that it sounded like that and if there wasn't a word limit on this blog I'd explain why. Anyway, if you want it again at good quality visit

I didn't plan on having a debate with the lecturers about whether I would use Max/MSP to create my music. At the end of the day it's not a simple answer. Max/MSP and SuperCollider open huge doors to sounds you can't create using a generic sequencer. The problem though is that it takes a lot longer and it's a lot lot harder. My philosophy is to create what ever sounds good. It doesn't matter what you use, aslong as you use it well.

Lecturers and students know that my aspirations as an artist is to be a commercial success. I appreciate Christian's understanding and acknowledgment of what I am trying to do. It feels good to know that although he is an academic he can at least acknowledge that what I am doing is still artistic even if it's not intellectual.

[1] Matt Reverie. "Music Technology Forum: Semester 1 - Week 4 - Presentations II". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 27th March 2008.


Josh Thompson said...

It was good to hear someone with definite real world goals. I must admit I'm not into dance music but I appreciate that you're honest about what you want to achieve. Who wouldn't want commercial success?? We've got to make money some how.

John said...

And I guess the spin-off would be then having the opportunity to create your own music on the side (whether it be commercial or not), so that you get the best of both worlds. A lot of people do try to hide behind a guise of intellectualism, and I have to admit it is good hearing from someone who has a different goal in mind and is really aiming for it, rather than everyone being in the same camp. I would like to hear some of your own non-commercial material one day though (or perhaps some of the Euro inspired tracks you mentioned).

Luke.Digance - Eclectic I said...

I am with John. I would like to hear some of the music you make for yourself. The stuff you really like. I think you would be surprised at how many people liked it. There's always something more in music people make from being passionate about it, commercial or 'intellectual.'

DJ Reverie said...

Thankss for ur comments guyz. I understand your viewpoints and appreciate ur honesty. I will defiantly have to play some of my more underground, non-commercial stuff sometime. Just need some time to finish it