Thursday, August 14, 2008

Week 3 Forum - First Year Student Presentations


I want to bury every musique concrete piece ever concrete.....only then can I save people from being inflicted with this nonsensical blather some people consider music. . .

This week's forum was pretty unorganized considering we had a lot of presentations to go through. The presentations were a combination of boring musique concrete pieces, a funny animation, some good mixing skills and some impressive video game music.

I don't know the name of the student, but I was very impressed with the musique concrete piece we were listening to when we were bombarded with the other classical students. Normally I find musique concrete uninspiring, but this piece was very interesting. It's a shame we didn't get to hear it properly.

I thought the animation by Josh was excellent. The music and sound effects were incorporated in the visuals flawlessly.

Alex's mixing of Behind These Walls was excellent too. It's a pity the speakers weren't set up in stereo but from what I heard it sounded great.

The video game music was mint. When he said an Adelaide based company I wonder if he meant Sillhouette Studios? I did some work for them in January this year for an internet flash game.

I don't know the names of most of the first year students, so it makes it harder to write about their presentations. These four presentations were the stand out ones for me.

[1] Lisa Lane-Collins, Josh Thompson, Steven Tanoto, Scott Herriman, Josh Bevan, Alex Bishop, Jacob Simionato, Jamie Seyfang, Scott Kavanagh, Miles Sly, "Music Technology Forum: Semester 2 - Week 3 – First Year Student Presentations". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, Schulz 1006 & EMU Space, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 14th August 2008

[2] You Say Cement, I Say Concrete, 'Charles & Hudson'. (Accessed 17/8/8)

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