Week 7 Forum - 2nd / 3rd Year Presentations
This week's forum was on presentations. I presented my SuperCollider piece from last semester. I had the same problem when executing the code as I did when I was doing the assignment. That was the second part of the piece didn't play. It's a strange problem as it depends on the computer. It didn't matter so much as I just played the audio recording. I don't know what people thought of my piece. Personally I think it's a collection of meaningless sounds that equates to nothing. Surprisingly I got a good mark for it!
I was going to play my latest song that has been signed to a record label in Melbourne. I decided not too seeing as though the majority of EMU don't appreciate real music and would rather listen to sine tones.

[1] Stephen Whittington, "Music Technology Forum: Semester 2 - Week 7 – 2nd / 3rd Year Presentations". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 11th September 2008
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