Week 9 Forum – Student Presentations
Today we had presentations from Seb Tomzak and Darrin Curtis. Seb presented us with his instrument he built using lasers through water. This idea is quite interesting and I think has a lot of potential commercially provided Seb can make the water enclosed so it is safe to use. Also it would be good if he can get rid of the computer which he did say he was working on.
Seb also talked about Milkcrate, a musical idea he has been a part of for a few years now. I was very impressed by the piece Seb showed us where he hit a milkcrate once and then created an entire piece based on that one recorded sound.
Darrin Curtis has been researching music therapy. I thought his ideas on healing with music was very interesting and it is something I have looked into doing in past years. I thought the idea of generating music through crystals was original and the beating frequencies that were generated from his piece was very soothing and peaceful to listen to. Impressive work.

[1] Seb Tomzak & Darrin Curtis, "Music Technology Forum: Semester 1 - Week 9 – Student Presentations ". Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 15th May 2008
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