Monday, March 19, 2007

Week 2 Forum - Originality

Today Steven talked about what originality is. Although the topic was interesting, it was hard to sit and listen for two hours, without a break, on his interpretation on originality. I have to admit my concentration was in and out. When I was actually concentrating, there were some parts that I agreed with and some parts which I though were just wrong.

Another point which I think is important is this: Who cares if you're original or not? I'm probably going to get slayered for this saying this (if anyone reads my blog). As a producer myself, I take influences from different artists. Does that make me unoriginal? If I can produce good music and unconsciencly take parts from other artists then I would consider that a good thing. By “taking parts” I don’t mean literally copying the music, I mean copying aesthetic ideas and structure of the music.

If you look at experimental composers like John Cage, you can see that in some cases originality doesn’t do much for the scenes. These composers are original but look at what they are producing? If I heard up a round of cattle and record that, I am original because no one has done it before. I am also producing nothing but noise that some would consider music. Not me. Originality has its place but the reason why experimental composers don’t release music is because their originality has surpassed what the average person actually wants to listen to.

At the end of the day, I’d rather be influenced by producers I admire and produce my interpretation of electronic music than try and be original like composers I don’t even like. That’s my two cents. [1]

[2]quite possibly my next piece. . .

[1] Steven Whittington. 'Music Technology Forum Presentation - EMU Space'. Lecture presented in the EMU Space, Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, 8th March 2007.

[2] Cattle. 'Windorah to Dig Tree at Burke and Wills Bridge, near Innamincka', Leisure Planet Music, (Accessed 12/03/2007)

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